can be downloaded from:
I wrote these tools over the past many years. Many others deserve credit as I have learned much from so many.
My desire is to have a set of tools available to me from one file that can get frequently needed functions done for me without hassle or having to look things up all the time. Over the years these tools have evolved into fairly decent and flexible code blocks that also satisfy my need for a bit of color and ANSI-coded boxes.
The “rich” module textualize/rich came close but in some areas I need a different method. Please understand that rich is a far more serious set of tools that offers many more features and has been fully tested. I like to center things on the screen and my tools make that easy. Color coding is easy and I borrowed the idea of using color code tagging from the rich tool set.
There are over 100 functions in this module.
You can get a sense of its power by running it… but it’s real power is importing it and using the tools. There are a lot of tricks in these tools which can expose a novice programmer to quick ways to debug and tweak their own code.
To see some tools:
To use gtools in your own code:
from gtools import dbug, docvars, printit, gselect, gtable, cat_file, remap_keys, quick_plot # etc, etc...
I welcome any feedback, good, bad, or ugly. The code is still developing and could obviously use improvement. It has glaring errors and poor code styles so your input would be to everyone’s benefit.
Life is good, relationships are everything, working together insures the future.
For reference, here is a list of functions and docs:
add_content: I wrote this because I am constantly building csv files with a header line
consider add_or_replace() function
if none of those content is appended to the file
if header is also included it will be added to the begining of the file if it does not already exitst
used_to_be: add_line()
add_or_replace: purpose: Adds or replaces a line in a file where pattern occurs
required: filename, action: str [before|after|replace|either] ,pattern, new_line
action: before|after|replace|either (either will replace if it is found or add if it is not)
- backup: bool=True,
- ask: bool=False,
- centered: bool=False,
- shadowed: bool=False
pattern: needs to be unique regex?
returns: "done" or None depending on use
allmax: purpose: justifies using nclen all strs in msgs_l and maximizes each string length to the longest string
input: msg_l: list, justify: str ('left'|'center'|'right')
output: new_msgs: list of strngs justified
askYN: auto var can be used to automatically invoke the default
TODO: timeout=10 # times out in 10 secs and invokes dflt - this still requires you to hit enter : TODO
# >>> askYN()
# Continue [y]: True
bool_val: s can be a str or list
args_l must be provided
kvargs is optional
used to see if a string or a list of stings might be declared true
by being in args or seeing it has a bool value set in kvargs
return: bool_val (False unless stipulated to be otherwise or declared in kwargs with 'dflt' or 'default')
DBUG = bool_val('dbug', args, kvargs)
DBUG = bool_val(['dbug', 'DBUG'], args, kvargs)
boxed: purpose: draw a unicode box around msgs
args: msgs
centered | center: bool # centers box on the screen
txt_center: int # num of lines from top to center in the box
color: str # text color
box_color: str # color of border
title, footer: str # goes in topline or bottom line centered of box
width forces the width size defaults to # screen columns
shadowed | shadow: bool # adds a shadow right and bottom
... some other options; see below
returns boxed lines: list
NOTES: this function does not print - it returns the box lines
browseit: purpose: opens the url in your browser
requires: url: str
returns: none
cat_file: purpose: reads a file and return lines or rows_lol (list of list) or as a df (dataframe)
- prnt: bool, # prints out the file contents
- lst: bool, # returns a list of lines or you could use: txt.split('
') to make it a list
- csv: bool, # treat the file as a csv (or for me, a dat file)
- xlsx: bool, # returns df of a spreadsheet file
- hdr: bool, # whether to include header line or header data in the return
- df: bool, # return a df
- rtrn: str, (can be "str", "string", "lst", "df"
returns the text of a file as a str or rows_lol (if it is a cvs: bool file) or returns a df if requested
Note: if the result df has the header/colnames repeated in row[0] then make sure you included 'hdr' or hdr=True
#>>> t = cat_file("/etc/timezone")
#>>> print(t)
centered: purpose: calculates screen placement for msgs: list|str
length=columns: int
shift=0: int
'str'|'string'=False: bool
'lst'|'list'=True: bool
returns: line|lines
note: replaces deprecated centerit()
chk_substr: purpose: given a list of strings to check (chk_l) and a list of substrings to compare
if any "compare" substring is in any string in check list of strings then
do action either 'exclude' or 'include'
return: new_list
cinput: aka: centered input
purpose: gets input from user using provided promt - centers the prompt on the screen
- shift: int # allows you to shift the position of the prompt (from the center) eg shift=-5
- quit|exit|close: bool # will quit with do_close() if availaable or just sys.exit()
returns: user response
clr_coded: purpose: takes any msg string containing tags for colors and decodes them into a colorized string
requires: msg_s: str
returnd: colorized string
decode a string - replace \[color\].*[\/] with code and reset
requires a space before the first bracket
cls: Clears the terminal screen.
color_neg: purpose: this conditions (colorizes and adds commas) elems if they are numbers
input: elem
options: "neg_color=red on black!": str, pos_color="green! on black!": str, rnd=0: int
- color: bool # will color the number ... default red for negative and green for positive
- neg_color: str # you can change the color for negative numbers
- pos_color: str # you can change the color for positive numbers
- human: bool # adds commas, reduces large numbers to 10000000 to 1M etc
- nan: str # allows you to change "nan" or "NaN" to any string you want. default=""
returns: elem (conditioned; colored)
- for n, row in enumerate(lol):
- ...
- if neg:
- row = [color_neg(elem) for elem in row]
- # table.add_row(*row)
- table_lol.append(*row)
NOTE: this may return an elem with a different length
color_neg: purpose: this conditions (colorizes and adds commas) elems if they are numbers
input: elem
options: "neg_color=red on black!": str, pos_color="green! on black!": str, rnd=0: int
- color: bool # will color the number ... default red for negative and green for positive
- neg_color: str # you can change the color for negative numbers
- pos_color: str # you can change the color for positive numbers
- human: bool # adds commas, reduces large numbers to 10000000 to 1M etc
- nan: str # allows you to change "nan" or "NaN" to any string you want. default=""
returns: elem (conditioned; colored)
- for n, row in enumerate(lol):
- ...
- if neg:
- row = [color_neg(elem) for elem in row]
- # table.add_row(*row)
- table_lol.append(*row)
NOTE: this may return an elem with a different length
convert_temp: expects a string with either an ending.lower() of "f" or "c" to declare what to return
returns rounded(converted_temp)
always returns a string with 2 places (inlcuding 0s)
dbug: To test run: python3 -m doctest -v
# >>> a = "xyz"
# >>> dbug_var(a)
DEBUG: [; <module>:1] a:xyz
ddbug: purpose: this is for use by dbug only... as dbug can't call itself
display_in_cols: deprecated as gtable may take it's place
input: takes a list or a dict and prints in order across cols
order default for list is is as-is
if it is a dict
you can sort "on" default "value" or on "key"
, or reverse=True or reverse=False
returns: lines (sorted if dict)
# >>> lst = [*range(1,20)]
# >>> display_in_cols(lst)
then print lines eg printit(lines)
do_close: purpose: to provide a boxed closing message
returns: None
# dflt_msg = "Enjoy!"
input msg or it uses dflt_msg
options: 'center' | 'centered' color='red' rc=return code to exit with
>>> do_close()
do_edit: purpose: launches vim editor with file
a quick-n-dirty utility to edit a file
- lnum: line number
Initiate edit on a file - with lineno if provided
do_func_docs: purpose: to get funtion docs
do_kv_rows: deprecated, use kv_cols instead
prints out boxed dictionary of key value pairs
# >>> d = {"one": 1.00, "two": "2.000", "three": 3.00, "four is where the world changes for the better": "4.4444"}
# >>> lines = do_kv_rows(d, length=21)
do_list: # >>> lst = ['one','two','three']
# >>> do_list(lst, "nc")
# ===========
# || one ||
# || two ||
# || three ||
# ===========
do_logo: require: nothing but you should provide some default content: str|list
option: content: str|list, prnt: bool, figlet: bool, center: bool, shadow: bool, box_color: str, color: str, fortune: bool, quote: bool
fotune: bool <-- requires the fortune app
quote: str <-- requires a filename with quote lines within it - one will be randomly selected
if content = "" and /usr/local/etc/logo.nts does not exist then we use "Your Organization Name"
if content == "" then open default file: /usr/local/etc/logo.nts
if content is a filename then use the lines in that file
if content is a str and not a file then use pyfiglet to turn it into ascii letters of print lines
do_prcnt_bar: purpose: displays a percentge bar
args: amnt (prcnt)
options: full_range=100 if you submit this prcnt will be based on it
- bar_width=40: int # declares width of bar
- color: str # text color
- done_color: # color of done portion
- undone_color: # color of undone portion
- done_chr: str # done character
- undone_chr: str # undone character
- prompt: str # prompt (before the bar)
- suffix: str # suffix (afterr the bar)
- brackets=["[", "]"]: list
- show_prcnt=True: bool # include the percentage at the end
- prnt=False: bool # False to allow use in dashboards # you can tell this to not print so you can include in in a box etc
returns: percent bar line as a str
#>>> rh = 56
#>>> rl = 50
#>>> cp = 51
#>>> amnt = cp - rl
#>>> full_range = rh - rl
#>>> print(f"rl {do_prcnt_bar(amnt,full_range)} rh")
# rl [██████----------------------------------]16% rh
do_title: deprecated and will be removed
20210208-1203 significant refactoring done
A quick-n-dirty utility to print out a title line using
title = as the title string
c = as the repeated character
length defaults to 120
color defaults to ""
do_title(title, hchr, length, color)
# >>> do_title("mytitle","-",40,color="")
--------------- mytitle ----------------
'--------------- mytitle ----------------'
do_title_three_line: This is deprecated and will be removed
Use: do_title_three_line(msg,length=120)
This should probably be made into a class and combined with do_title
# >>> do_title_three_line("mytitle",30)
' mytitle',
docvars: purpose: wrapper for function to allow variable substitution within its doc
I use this in front on a function I call handleOPTS(args)
which works with the module docopts
Thank you to answered Apr 25 '12 at 1:54 senderle
this is a very useful way to allow variables in your __doc__ strings
wrap a function with this and use if this way
@docvars(os.path.basename(__file__), anotherarg, myarg="abcd")
def myfunc():
Usage: {0} [-hijk]"
anotherarg: {1}
myarg: {myarg}
return "Done"
escape_ansi: purpose: Removes ansii codes from a string (line)
aka: name should be escape_ansii
returns: "cleaned no_code" line
TODO: allow option to return clr_codes[1], nocode(elem), clr_codes[2]
see: split_codes()
file_exists: Note: type can be "file" or "dir" (if it isn't file the assumption is dir)
should rename this to path_exists... argghh
#>>> file_exists('/etc/hosts')
find_file_in_dirs: purpose: this is for future use as something like find_file_in_dirs(filename, dirs_l)
if dirs_l is empty it defaults to ["./"]
first_matched_line: purpose: return: just the first matched line(s) from a filename using pattern
- filename: str
- pattern: str
- upto: int default=1 # How many matching lines to return
returns: matching lines
from_to: purpose: returns lines from a *file* from BEGIN pattern to END pattern" (between BEGIN and END)
- include: can be equal to "none", top|begin|start, bottom|end, or 'both'
-- include='top' will include the begin pattern line,
-- include='bottom' will include the end pattern line
-- include='both' will include top and end pattern matching lines
returns: lines between (or including) begin pattern and end pattern from filename (or a list of lines)
fstring: purpose: alternative to f-strings
use: fsting(s)
returns: formated s string
funcname: Use: eg:
from dbug import dbug, fname
def myfunc():
dbug(f"This is function name: {funcname()}")
gclr: Purpose: to return color code + text (if any) NOTE: sub_color() uses this!
text: str = "" # if "" then the color code alone is returned
color: str = 'normal' # examples: 'red on black', 'bold green on normal', 'bold yellow on red', 'blink red on black' etc
color is the first argument because you may just want to return the color code only
run gcolors.demo() to see all color combinations
returns: color coded [and text]
gcolumnize: purpose: This will columnize (vertically) a list
input: msg_l: list|lol, width=0: int, color="": str
- sep: str
- prnt|print|show = False: bool
- centered = False: bool # only invoked if prnt == True
- title = "": str # only invoked if prnt == True
- footer = "": str # only invoked if prnt == True
return: lines: list
required: import columnize
If it is a list of lists ( like several boxes made up of lines ) then
it will list them next to each other
box1 = +------+
| box1 |
box2 = +------+
| box2 |
boxes = box1 + box2
lines = gcolumnize(boxes)
+------+ +------+
| box1 | | box2 |
+------+ +------+
# ### or ### #
mylist = ["One potato", "Two potato", "Three potato", "Four", "Now close the door"]
lines = gcolumnize(mylist, width=40)
One potato Four
Two potato Now close the door
Three potato
gcolumnize: purpose: This will columnize (vertically) a list
input: msg_l: list|lol, width=0: int, color="": str
- sep: str
- prnt|print|show = False: bool
- centered = False: bool # only invoked if prnt == True
- title = "": str # only invoked if prnt == True
- footer = "": str # only invoked if prnt == True
return: lines: list
required: import columnize
If it is a list of lists ( like several boxes made up of lines ) then
it will list them next to each other
box1 = +------+
| box1 |
box2 = +------+
| box2 |
boxes = box1 + box2
lines = gcolumnize(boxes)
+------+ +------+
| box1 | | box2 |
+------+ +------+
# ### or ### #
mylist = ["One potato", "Two potato", "Three potato", "Four", "Now close the door"]
lines = gcolumnize(mylist, width=40)
One potato Four
Two potato Now close the door
Three potato
gcontains: purpose: to determine if any pattern (str|list) is a substring of string (string_s)
options: none
returns: bool
get_boxchrs: purpose: given a box_style (ansi, single, solid, double) will return a set of chars for creating a box
input: box_style: str
[tl, hc, ts, tr, vc, ls, rs, ms, bl, bs, br] as a list in the order shown
Note: boxed() uses this
tl = top_left, hc=horizontal_char, ts=top_separator, tr=top_right, vc=vertical_char,
ls=left_separator, rs=right_separator, ms=middle_separator
bl=bottom_left, bs=bottom_sep, br=bottom_right
get_columns: gets screen/terminal cols OR rows
returns int(columns)| int(rows: bool) | int(cols), int(rows) both: bool
get_elems: Input:
lines (as a list) and
optionally a delimiter (default is a comma)
optionally a col_limit (size)
an array: list of list (lol - lines of elements aka rows and columns)
get_html_tables: input: url, display (tables with tabulate), access defaults to selenium which is slow but gets by bot blocks to url request
returns: list of panda dataframes
import pandas as pd
from selenium import webdriver
# from fake_useragent import UserAgent
get_mod_docs: purpose: lists all functions and the docs from a module
Note: except some functions eg _demo
returns cnt
get_random_line: purpose: grabs one random line from a file
from gtools purify_file, centered, boxed, printit, cat_file
import random
returns: line
Note: file has all comments removed first (purified)
gline: args: width: int, msg: str <-- msg has to be a key=val pair! eg: gline(60, msg="My Message", just='center')
options: width, lc, rc, fc, box_color, color, pad, lpad, rpad, lfill_color, rfill_color, just: str
returns: line: str
grep_lines: purpose: searches lines for pattern
- ic: bool (insensitive case)
- rtrn_bool=False: bool # (whether to rtrn lines [default] or bool result)
- csv: bool # will convert a list of lists to a list of csv style lines before searching
- # and but returns the line as a list, just the way we got it
returns: matched line(s) (or True False if rtrn_bool is True)
Note: if only one line is matched then it will return that one line otherwise it will return a list of matched_lines
gselect: purpose: menu type box for selecting by index, key, or value
- selections: list or dictionary
- prompt, center, title, footer, dflt, width, box_color, color, show,
- rtrn='k|key' or 'v|val|value' <-- tells gselect whether you want it to return a key or a value from a supplied list or dictionary
This is an important option and allows control over what gets returned. See the Notes below.
- show="k|key" or 'v|val|value' <-- tells gselect whether to display a list of keys or a list of values
- quit: bool <-- add "q)uit" to the prompt and will do a sys.exit() if ans in ("q","Q","exit")
- multi <-- allows multiple selections and returns them as a list
- default|dflt='': # allows you to /declare a default if enter is hit
- quit
- rtrn="v" str # return the selected 'k'ey or 'v'alue
- show='k' str # wh/ether to show or display 'k'eys or 'v'alues
- title
- footer
- color
- box_color
- width
Notes: with a simple list by default it will return the value in the list - if you want the menu number then use rtrn='k' option!!!
returns: either key(s) or value(s) as a string or list (if multiple), your choice
> tsts = [{1: "one", 2: "two", 3: "three"},["one", "two", "three"], {"file1": "path/to/file1", "file2": "path/to/file2"} ]
> for tst in tsts:
... ans = gselect(tst, rtrn="v")
... ans = gselect(tst, rtrn="k")
gtable: purpose: returns lines or displays a colorized table from a list_of_lists, df, or dictionary
input: rows: str|list|dict|list_of_lists|list_of_dicts|dataframe
- color: str,
- box_style: 'single', 'double', 'solid',
- box_color: str,
- header: bool_val, # header | hdr
- colnames: list | str, 'firstrow' | 'firstline' | 'keys'
- col_colors: list, # gtable will use this list of colors to set each column, repeats if more cols than colors
- neg: bool_val,
- alt: bool_val,
- alt_color: str,
- title: str,
- footer: str,
- indexes: bool,
- box_style: str,
- max_col_len|col_limit|col_len...: int, default=60
- human: bool,
- rnd: int,
- sortby: str,
- filterby: dict {'field': 'contains'}
- select_cols: list # specify which columns to include - table will be in same order
- excluded_cols: list # specify which columns to exclude
- write_csv: str,
- skip: bool # tells gtable to skip lines of the wrong length - be careful w/this
- cell_pad=' ': str # you can set the padding char(s)
- strip: bool # strip all white space off of ever element in every row
returns lines: list
if colnames="firstrow" then the firstrow will be extracted and used for the header
if colnames="keys" and we are passed a dictionary then the colnames will be the dictionary keys
I frequenly use this function for financial data analysis or csv files
TODO: add head: int and tail: in
handleCFG: purpose: if no cfg_file given it will find the default and return cfg_d (dictionary of dictioanries: cfg.sections; cfg.elem:vals)
input: cfg_file: str
defaults: cfg_file if it exists is: {myappname.basename}.cfg
returns: cfg_d: dict (dictionary of dictionaries - cfg.sections with key, val pairs)
cfg_d = handleCFG("/my/path/to/myapp.cfg")
title = cfg_d['menu']['title']
handleOPTS: Usage: [-hEP] [--dir] [<filename>] -s <func> -S <func> -t [<func>] -T <func> [<fargs>...]
-h Help
--dir prints all the functions here and exits
-t runs all doctest calls
-T <func> runs specified func
-v, --version Prints version
-s <func> Show code block
-S <func> Show __doc__
has_alnum: Is a string blank or all white space...
isspace() does the samething
ireplace: purpose: index replace
To get indices use eg:
iter = re.finditer(rf"{c}", s)
indices = [m.start(0) for m in iter]
# next line removes first two and last two indices - just an example
indices = indices[2:-2]
then use this func with:
s: is the string to do the replacements
indices: list of indexed positions
char: is the char to replace with
isnumber: purpose: determines if x is a number even if it is a percent, or negative, or is 2k or 4b or 10M etc
input: x: str|float|int
returns: True|False
notes: tests... pos, neg, floats, int, scientific, B(illion), T(trillions), G(ig.*) Kb(ytes|its), Mb(ytes)
Can be used on financial data which often includes M(illions) or B(illions)
In tables I use this to decide if "x" should get right justified
>>> nums = [0.00, "0.00", "1.2", "+1.2", "-1.2", "1.2B", " 1.2M ", "1.2Kb ", "1.2Mb", "1.2e-9", "1.2%", 42.25, 1.1116174459457397, "2022-01-01"]
>>> for num in nums:
... isnumber(num)
key_swap: purpose: switch or change the keyname on an element in a dictionary
orig_key # original key name
new_keyA # new key name
d # dictionay to change
returns: the altered dictionary
kv_cols: input: my_d: dict cols:default=3 <-- both args ie: dict and cols are required!
- title, header, pad, box_style, box_color: str, color: str, neg: bool,
- prnt: bool, footer,title: str, rjust_cols: list, sep,pad: str, max_col_width: int,
- centered: bool, box_style: str, human: bool, rnd: bool, box_title: bool (requires title), sep: str
returns: lines tabalized key-value pairs
kvarg_val: purpose: returns a value when the key in a key=value pair matches any key given
NOTE: key can be a string or a list of strings
option: dflt="Whatever default value you want"
use: used in function to get a value from a kwargs ky=value pair
- eg:
def my_function(*args, **kwargs):
txt_center = kvarg_val(["text_center", "txt_cntr", "txtcntr"], kwargs, dflt=1)
- so if you call my_function(txt_center=99) then txt_center will be set to 99
If any key in the list is set = to a value, that value is returned
see: bool_val which process both args and kvargs and returns bool_val
input key(string), kvargs_d(dictionary of key,vals), default(string; optional)
purpose: return a value given by a key=value pair using a matching key (in key list if desired)
- key provided can be a string or a list of strings
- dflt="Whatever default value you want - can be a string, list, int, float... whatever" <-- this is optional, if not declared "" is returned
if key in kvargs:
return val
return default
returns str(key_val) or default_val(which is "" if none is provided)
lineno: purpose: returns current line number - primarily used for debugging
list_files: purpose: prints a list of enumerated basename filenames (sorted by name)
pattern: str|list = "*" # glob pattern
return_msgs<bolean> = False
prnt<bolean> = False
dirs: bool # include dirs
dir_only: bool # only dirs
links: bool # include links
a sorted list of those names
return_msgs and sorted names
use: list_files("/tmp")
DEBUG: [] func: long_proc: e: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'split'
main: purpose: allows user to see some of the fuctionality of this tool set
max_width_lol: max_width for each "column" in a list of lists
this is a way of truncating "columns"
need more info here
maxof: purpose: returns length of longest member of a list (escape_ansi)
saves me from having to look up how to do this all the time
nclen: purpose: finds the length of a string minus any ansi-codes and returns that lenght
returns: length
no color len of line (length w/o ansii codes)
if 'rich' in args then stip rich color code
path_to: Check whether `name` is on PATH and marked as executable.
pp_d: purpose: pretty print a dictionary
deprecated as gtable does this
with between (str) placed between elems
and kv_s (str) between k and v
>>> d = {"one": 1, "two": 2, "three": 3}
>>> print(pp_d(d))
one: 1 two: 2 three: 3
do_prcnt_bar: purpose: displays a percentge bar
args: amnt (prcnt)
options: full_range=100 if you submit this prcnt will be based on it
- bar_width=40: int # declares width of bar
- color: str # text color
- done_color: # color of done portion
- undone_color: # color of undone portion
- done_chr: str # done character
- undone_chr: str # undone character
- prompt: str # prompt (before the bar)
- suffix: str # suffix (afterr the bar)
- brackets=["[", "]"]: list
- show_prcnt=True: bool # include the percentage at the end
- prnt=False: bool # False to allow use in dashboards # you can tell this to not print so you can include in in a box etc
returns: percent bar line as a str
#>>> rh = 56
#>>> rl = 50
#>>> cp = 51
#>>> amnt = cp - rl
#>>> full_range = rh - rl
#>>> print(f"rl {do_prcnt_bar(amnt,full_range)} rh")
# rl [██████----------------------------------]16% rh
pretty_array: prints out nested arrays into readable format using yaml
DEBUG: [] func: printit: e: 'default'
progress: # prcnt = 0.20
# progress(prcnt, width=60)
Percent: [############------------------------------------------------] 20%
# or
>>> for i in range(100):
... time.sleep(0.1)
... progress(i/100.0, width=60)
Percent: [############################################################] 99%
purge: removes files and dirs that match the pattern given from the location=dir
import os
import shutil
Becareful with this!
purify_file: purpose: de-comments a file, aka removes all comments denoted by "#" ...
input: file: str
return lines: list
purify_line: strips off and comments
pyscraper: I may deprecate this as I rarely use it
example: pat
# pat = '<span class="Trsdu\(0.3s\) Fw\(b\) Fz\(36px\) Mb\(-4px\) D\(ib\)" data-reactid=".*?".*?>.*?</span.*?>' # noqa:
Be careful... pay attention to the html page when using a script ... many sites detect the script and block real output
from urllib.request import urlopen
import re
quick_plot: purpose: quick display of data in a file or in dataframe
displays a plot on a web browser if requested
args: data: df | str(filename: csv or dat)
options: show: bool, choose: bool, footer: str, footer: str tail: int (for the last n rows of the df)
choose invokes gselect multi mode to allow selections of columns to display in the plot (graph)
tail, title and footer only affect the gtable if show is True
return: df
NOTE: if a filename is used as data it will get "purified" by removing all comments first (except the first line of a dat file.)
reduce_line: reduce a line to no more than max_len with and no broken words
then return the reduced_line, and remaining_line
Note - use textwrap for this now -- reduce_line should be depracated
regex_col: regex for a patern in a word|column
file_lines can be a filename or lines (list)
col starts at 0 to be consistent with coding standards
returns lines where pat matches col number word ie words[col]
remap_keys: purpose: remaps keys names AND can select only the k.v pairs you want (ie option: 'mapped_only')
mapped_only: bool,
rnd: int # rounds out numbers to rnd scale
returns: my_d (remapped and optionally selected pairs)
notes: remap_d should be dict {orig_key: new_key, ...} but can be a list only (assumes and sets mapped_only=True)
created: 20220423 gwm
replace_all: replaces ever dict key with dict value in a string
with_d eg: {' ', ' ', 'foo', 'bar'}
TODO need more doc info here
retry: there is a module called retrying that deserves more research and it provides a wrapper function called @retry()
@retry(5, MySQLdb.Error, timeout=0.5)
def the_db_func():
# [...]
untested - unused - completely expimental
the same as
for attempts in range(3):
except Exception as e:
print(f"Attempts: {attempts}. We broke with error: {e}")
rgb: purpose: translated rgb(r,g,b) text into ansi color CODE
input: r, g, b, text
prfx: bool = False
bg: bool = False # if set to true the color is applied to bg
returns: rgb color coded text
rootname: purpose: returns the root name of a full filename (not path, no extension)
input: filename: str
returns: ROOT_NAME: str
>>> print(rootname(__file__))
ruleit: This is for development purposes
It draws a rule across the screen and that is all it does
It fails to prepare your meals or schedule your week's agenda, sorry.
run_cmd: purpose: runs cmd and returns output
eg: out = run_cmd("uname -o",False)
# now you can print the output from the cmd:
- lst: bool # ouput will return as a list of line rather than a str
- rc: bool # returns the cmd return code instead of output
- runas: str # you can declare who to run the cmd as
returns: output from command
Note: if runas == sudo then the command will be sun with sudo...
- this function strips out all ansi code and filters all errors
>>> r = run_cmd("uname -o")
>>> print(r)
run_cmd_threaded: purpose: runs a cmd as a thread
- lst: bool # returned output lines will be put into a list rather than a str
return: output from cmd
Note: Please, be aware that a result will be returned only after this finishes
so put it "later" rather than "sooner" in your app
sayit: purpose: will use computer voice to "say" the msg
- prnt: will print as well
returns: None
select_file: purpose: select a file (or dir) from using pattern(s)
- path: str|list (defaults to "./")
- pattern: str|list
- prompt: str
- mtime: bool # include mtime in listing
- centered
- dirs: bool # include dirs
- dirs_only: bool # only directories
- prnt: bool
- shadow
- footer
- width=0
use: f = select_file("/home/user","*.txt")
prints a file list and then asks for a choice
returns basename of the filename selected
Note: this uses list_files
shades: purpose: returns a list of increasing intensity color shades
requires = color: str
- num=16 <-- number to divide into 255 ~ the number of color intensities
- rtrn??? TODO return codes or text... CODES | strings/text/txt
returns list # of ncreasing colors
shadowed: purpose: adds shadowing typically to a box
input: lines as a list
output: lines as a list
Use this to see all the styles:
msg = "this is
my message"
for n in range(0,5):
printit(centered(shadowed(boxed(msg + f"
style: {n}"),style=n)))
sorted_add: purpose: to insert a line between two patterns in a sorted way
20210531 WIP!
TODO if after and before are empty just use the whole file
purpose: insert line into filename between after and before patterns
the patterns need to be regex ie: r"pattern"
assumes the block from after to before is sorted
returns new_lines
>>> line = 'Insert this line (alphabetically) after "^-alt" but before "^-[a-zA-Z0-9] within block'
>>> filename = "/home/geoffm/t.f"
>>> after = r"^-alt"
>>> before = r"^-[a-zA-Z0-9]"
>>> lines = sorted_add(filename, line, after, before)
>>> printit(lines)
split_codes: purpose to split out ansi codes and return them
- used in color_neg()
input: elem: str (that contains ansi codes for color)
options: TODO include elem dflt=False
returns: codes: list (unless elem=True, then it is a dictionary with preffix, elem, and suffix as key/value pairs)
sub_color: purpose: substiture ansi color CODE for given color
returns ansi-CODE
transcript_start: Start class Transcript(object=filename),
appending print output to given filename
transcript_stop: Stop class Transcript() and return print functionality to normal
This is a wrapper function for running any function that might fail
- this will report the error and move on
def my_func():
print("if this failed an error would be reported ")
try_to_get: may deprecate this as I rarely use it
This is for use with selenium
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
from import By
from import WebDriverWait
from import expected_conditions as EC
usr_update: purpose: given a dict, and a list of keys to change - allow user update(s) to values in my_d dictionary
go through the list of keys to fix and prompt user for new value, present the current value as default
args: my_d: dict # dict to have updated
fix_l=[]: list # list of keys to prompt user for change; if empty use all the my_d keys
returns: my_d (with user updates)
NOTE: what is in the passed dict values is what will be presented as the default.
v4k: purpose: return a value form a dictionary (my_d) for a given key (k)
return value for key in dict ie v for my_d[k]
returns None is not found
wrapit: input is sentence which can be a string or list
returns lines list wrapped using length and color if provided
NOTE: all color codes will get stripped out before processing
xlate_clr: purpose: translates special color names to rgb(r,g,b) for processing
requires: special color eg:
- greyXX | grayXX # where XX is a precent gradient of gray from 0,0,0 for black! to 255,255,255 white
- white! # solid 255,255,255 white
- black! # solid 0,0,0 black
- red! # solid bright 255,0,0 red
- green! # solid bright 0,255,0 green
- blue! # solid bright 0,0,255 blue
- blue! # solid bright 0,0,255 blue
- blue! # solid bright 0,0,255 blue
- yellow! # solid bright 255,255,0 yellow
- magenta! # solid bright 255,0,255 magenta
- cyan! # solid bright 0,255,255 cyan
returns: rgb(r,g,b) text string instead of supplied color
--== Xlate special colors to rgb() ==--